How Do You Define the Lifestyle?

We have been in the "lifestyle" on and off for about fifteen years.  Everyone seems to have their own idea about what defines the "lifestyle" or being a "swinger".  To me, the lifestyle is like an umbrella.  It encompasses all the various alternative lifestyles, swingers, kinksters, poly, exhibionists, nudists, the list goes on.  Most people we come across tend to use the word swinging and lifestyle interchangeably.  

The general definition of the lifestyle is the practice of consensual sex or sexual activities outside the normal boundaries of monogamy.  Ultimately exploring the lifestyle is your own personal journey whether it be with a partner or solo.  It is up to you to decide on what you are looking to gain from your experiences and what your boundaries will be.  There's no right or wrong way to "swing", so don't let anyone make you feel less-than because you don't swing the way they swing.

Over the years we've heard it all.  "You're not really a swinger if you're single" or "if you're not married".  Some couples have a no-kissing rule. I've heard lots of negative remarks about that as well.   

Bottom line is that the lifestyle is whatever you make of it.  Try new things, push your boundaries, and explore your sexuality...on your own terms.    

~ Two4Real4U ~


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